Construction 4.0


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What is construction 4.0?

Construction 4.0 implies a complete revolution, it is a paradigm shift in terms of construction. This is based on the industrialization of construction processes, being able to adapt better to production needs and achieve greater resource efficiency. All this being possible thanks to technology.

The industrial revolution 4.0 seeks to make more "intelligent" factories, understanding each project as a whole, not seeing them individually. This arises because in recent years the construction sector has not progressed as much as it should and this is due to the lack of digitalization of the sector.

Technical Department

Technical department, calculation, design, security, deadlines, costs and maximum quality… Thanks to this section of the company we can innovate, build large projects, improve as a company and get to know ourselves.

The most important thing is that we have the best team of professionals who technically advise the different projects.

Our team advises us with the aim of optimizing the final result, in short, this allows us to carry out an exhaustive monitoring in all phases of the work, providing advanced solutions.

Eco Steel is the first company in the Canary Islands with a License to use the Tekla Structures Software. That is, we can be at the forefront in calculation and design.

At Eco Steelwe know that there is always room for improvement. Being able to analyze each project with a great team of professionals allows us to be better and evolve. The technical department give us the possible improvements, the costs of each project, how long it takes to carry out the work…  If you already know our history as a company, you know how much we have evolved over the years. If you are discovering us today, we invite you to visit our section of completed work.

Technology 4.0 applied to construction

Digitalization in processes has increased in all sectors in recent years, thus adapting to change and offering better results, more guarantees, greater control of processes… In the case of construction, it's being carried out slowly.

Technology 4.0 will provide great advantages and advances, especially in the construction sector, since being able to count on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Big Data, 3D printing… allows us to take a leap in the quality of processes and as such of the results.

If there is a time to jump on the digitalization bandwagon, this is it, not only in construction, in general we are experiencing an unprecedented industrial revolution. There is more and more perfection in the construction of machines, they are capable of communicating with each other and with people, which gives us great efficiency.